What EPs say about
EBSA Horizons
Educational Psychologist CPD
If you were to recommend EBSA Horizons as a CPD course to another EP, how would you summarise it to them?

The course is in e-learning format and so you can do the course at your own pace. The emphasis is placed on understanding EBSA in the context of interacting child, home and school based factors, which I found very helpful. It includes a range of child friendly resources that can be used directly in assessments. There is detailed information on evidence-based strategies you can use to support a graduated return to school.

It is a very well presented CPD course, giving relevant information to explain EBSA in a very clear format. The chd/yp and parent interviews and videos bring it all to life. The activity ideas for gaining the chd/yp's voice and for action planning are very practical and accessible to implement. There are also lots of helpful visual tools to support the process.

I'd say it was a great overview to understand what EBSA is, the potential causes or underlying factors behind it, but mostly really helpful to start thinking about how to help CYP who are struggling with EBSA, as well as pointers to share with school staff when thinking about delivering training as part of EPS.

I would summarise as easy to understand while promoting significant reflection. A course that provides excellent understanding of emotionally based school attendance difficulties along with practical knowledge supported by relevant resources. A person centred, solution focused course that emphasises the uniqueness of each individual.

A great starting point for anyone interested in EBSA, with a balance of breadth and depth.

Understanding EBSA, how to recognise EBSA, the barriers when working with CYP with EBSA, the role of an EP in supporting EBSA, how to work and support parents and schools.

Course summarising reasons/background for EBSA and practical strategies/ resources to help CYP experiencing this.

A brilliant course which captures the essence of EBSA from the perspective of the child perfectly. I feel the detailed information, range of resources, materials and advice provided are extremely beneficial and will help professionals to support children and their families.

Training for practitioners that takes you through the whole journey from assessment to supporting the return to school, and provides practical evidence-based guidance on how to approach all aspects of EBSA.

A critical and insightful overview of EBSA theory, strategies and resources. I found the interviews with the mother, who had a lived experience of EBSA, particularly helpful as her description suggested how ideas from the course were linked to her own account.

Comprehensive guide to EBSA.

Thorough overview of EBSA with lots of useful resources and guidance for your toolkit.

Informative, interesting and important.

Delivered by a knowledgeable EP who will help you understand the psychological underpinnings of EBSA whilst also giving you practical ideas and resources to support your work.

Step by step course, which can be accessed at your own pace, with good supporting resources.

Yes - a good overview of EBSA, and the major risk factors that predispose pupils to becoming EBSA. Also a good overview of psychological models and helpful tips and interventions.

I would say it is fantastic! Such a thorough course and has really helpful strategies. Thought provoking - it made me question my own thoughts and language used around this issue, as well as possible implicit biases I may have. Really enjoyed this and feel it was an incredibly valuable use of my time.

I've done this to a group of EPs, Assistant EPs and student EPs in out Reflection and Formulation meeting. I've spoken about the importance of supporting EBSA, I've shared an overview of the clear guidance and structure in how this course is presented and shared the link and some resources.

The flexibility is amazing. I've watched, rewatched and come back to many chapters over the last 6 months, each time being able to pick up new bits and sparking new ideas for the cases I've had. With EBSA considerably on the rise, I'd suggest this is an essential piece of CPD for most EPs at the moment.

I already have! I said about the number of children at risk of EBSA and how interesting and informative the course is. I think the most impactful area is the information around the early risk factors.

Provides a really good background to the difficulties experienced by children with EBSA and the tools to help schools and parents/carers devise strategies to support the child return to school.

A comprehensive course that develops understanding of needs, assessment and intervention on an individual and systemic level to support children and young people experiencing EBSA.

Clear simple explanation of the theory underpinning causes of EBSA and strategies to support.

Well organised and easily digestible training with a good evidence base for supporting individuals experiencing EBSA.

A good overview of the key underpinnings of EBSA, helpful frameworks to plan casework!

This is a fantastic course that is presented in bite size chunks, so that you can do as much or as little as you feel able to at any one time. There is a really good balance between theory and research, practical tools and strategies, and some tips and personal experience from Jerricah - definitely worth investing the time!

EBSA is a hands on and holistic approach for children and young people who are struggling to go to a place of learning. This can be for many reasons, usually anchored in a child's emotions and associations with the educational setting, at home, or in themselves. The approach breaks down graduated approaches and steps in order to support children enter school and feel happy in learning in this setting again.

A fantastic training, that gives you a deeper understanding of the possible root causes to EBSA, child, school & home and ways of working together as professionals to support the children and young people who are struggling with accessing school, putting them, at the heart of any planning of strategies & support.

Practical and helpful. Time well spent. A resource that will impact on casework.

Practical and useful resource that has real application to my role.

Thorough, well-structured, informative, helpful, with practical tools.

Its a very helpful course which outlines some of the theory but has a strong focus on practical ways to work with schools, families and those involved with the young person. Excellent resources accompany the training.

This course is such a great tool in helping to understand the functions and background to EBSA so that we can support CYP, their families and schools in developing their own understanding.

A really accessible course, led by EPs for EPs, which covers everything you need to support schools, families and young people experiencing EBSA. (It's always nice to do CPD where people actually know what we do!)

This course comprehensively covers everything you will need to know in relation to working with the school, parents and young person with EBSA.

Insightful and forward thinking. Each chapter effectively chunks the information to make it accessible to meet the needs of different service users.

A clear, structured approach to a greater understanding of EBSA , its impact and the role all adults have to play when supporting C&YP.

It's a great starting point, introducing you to the topic but also highly relevant in developing your practice within the area.

A fantastic course that will fill you with all the knowledge you need to understand EBSA, and some great tools and strategies to support professionals and YP in overcoming the barriers to education. I think anyone who works with YP and education should do this training!

The course will build the EP's confidence when working with CYP with EBSA. The quality of my casework is significantly better since I have undertaken this course.

This course is a great summary of EBSA in terms of the up to date research, assessment and intervention with consideration of the ASC population and systemic and cultural change required to support CYP and families experiencing EBSA.

Helpful and informative overview of EBSA in one place.

A course aimed at EPs which gives a comprehensive framework for assessment and intervention alongside a clear understanding of the causes of EBSA and plenty practical strategies and resources to use in your work.

A comprehensive EBSA course which is has evidence based and practical resources to utilise.

A really in-depth course around EBSA, with lots of helpful resources and mainly video content.

Lots of linking to different theories an approaches, resources provided, covers child, home and school factors.

Great in-depth information that is accessible and research-based.

Excellent course; theory, practice, stories and clear ways to support at an individual, family and school level.

Structured approach for a difficult problem that includes sound psychological theory.

Really relevant considering the often hidden group of children and YP that are finding school emotionally overwhelming.

Clear, focused and well structured. Brilliant resources and signposting. EBSA Horizons promotes a child focused and needs led approach to EBSA support.

Incredibly informative course focused on detailing EBSA and how to support at an individual, school and authority level.

Course applies psychological models to EBSA and suggests ways to info gather and how this should feed into action planning. Really practical and useful.

An end-to-end guide to identifying, understanding and helping children and young people who are avoidant of school for emotionally-based reasons.

Very helpful to give a psychological understanding of EBSA and a framework and tools to take away and use in practice.

High quality, useful, informative and well presented.

Complete and in depth EBSA training.

Super helpful that gives you practical strategies on what to actually do.

Full of practical approaches that are clearly grounded in both the theory and research.

Structured and well resourced course with up to date evidence base and step by step processes.

Good theoretical background to EBSA, with lots of ideas for assessment and intervention.

It is a course which gives you an in depth insight into the complex causes, contexts and strategies for working with children with EBSA, with a strong focus on the psychology behind it.

It gives a good overview of what EBSA is, and of what you might want to consider as an EP in your assessment and support of CYP displaying EBSA, alongside some practical hints, tips, strategies and resources - all delivered in well organised, bite sized chunks!

This course provides informative and practical approaches to working with children, young people, parents/carers and schools who are facing challenges around EBSA.

An excellent opportunity to reflect on existing knowledge of this and similar areas with an emphasis on reflection - chunking material as you have is a great match for my learning style! Inspirational and well-grounded in research and practice.

Brings together all the evidence and anecdotal work to date. Builds on what you already know and provides new tools, resources and a reminder of the existing tools and skills we have that we can draw on.

A course that gives an overview of the underpinnings, factors and support for EBSA that may be useful in casework, training and supporting schools. This provides you with the understanding and skills to approach this with greater confidence in your practice.

In-depth, holistic and practical.

Really useful, practical and psychology-driven.

Absolutely brilliant!

Lots of linking to different theories an approaches, resources provided, covers child, home and school factors.

An insight into the factors contributing to EBSA and how these might be managed through a range of resources and strategies.

An in-depth look at identifying, discussing and supporting CYP, families and schools experiencing EBSA.

This course explains what EBSA is, how it presents in a child and provides valuable resources on how to assess and support the team around the child.

Excellent informative CPD. Full of brilliant resources and insight from an experienced and passionate EP. The most user friendly and engaging online CPD I have ever accessed.

A comprehensive module which explores the theoretical concepts, assessment and intervention process of EBSA to support CYP, parents and school staff.

Clearly articulated, based in psychology, and how to apply it in practice. Child centred and empathic.

Interesting, informative, insightful and important.

A chance to expand your toolkit and also learn how to support schools and families to develop their own skills.

Really useful and activities and guidance for staff to use.

A comprehensive and invaluable course to support and develop your understanding of EBSA and its impact on CYP, families and schools. It will also provide you with a wealth of ideas and resources to provide effective support and guidance to others.

Provides great information and practical guidance to dealing with EBSA.

Informative and effective training course which looks at EBSA as a whole and really focuses on the array of reasons it is apparent in the lives of so many children and teenagers and what can be done, efficiently and effectively, to ensure children are accessing education.

Immersive, insightful, informative, interesting, innovative! A very detailed and engaging piece of CPD, which I could not stop learning about once initiated, hence I completed the whole course in one day!

A comprehensive overview of psychological frameworks and understanding of EBSA with a wealth of frameworks and resources to support EPs in their assessment and formulation and collaborative working with YP, schools and parents to develop action/support plans.

An in-depth look at EBSA with lots of useful resources, approaches and strategies to use on an individual level and a more systemic level.

This has been a comprehensive and thorough overview of the topic that brings together my practical experience in school, develops some new perspectives and reassures me of strategies I use in my own work. The resources are practical and easy to use.

Brilliant. It is online so you can pause and come back and you can refer back to content when completing a case.

In-depth training with a range of resources to allow easy implementation.


Really informative, great resources and knowledge.

It is an excellent course with a solid research base, as well as easy and accessible resources and strategies that can be used on an individual casework level straight away.

This is an informative and extremely useful course which details the breadth and depth of EBSA in a manageable way, providing strategies and resources based on extensive research to support every professional in recognising and helping children with EBSA.

A comprehensive course in bite-sized chunks that captures the essence of what it means to work with CYP experiencing EBSA. It provides an easily accessible method of learning that can be done at one's own pace.

A comprehensive exploration of emotionally based school avoidance within the contexts of home, school and within-child factors.

Brilliant. Easy to complete as it is online.

To gain an overview of what EBSA is and how to identify it along with practical strategies to start implementing in our everyday casework.

I'd say it's thorough , evidence based and well informed. Also the presentation is helpful as you can dip in and out when time allows.

An in-depth EBSA course covering definition, assessment and intervention that is both evidence-based and practical.

Information around EBSA and what it is, alongside ideas, strategies and resources to use when supporting a child and their family experiencing EBSA.

Useful introduction to resources and approaches for supporting YP who are experiencing EBSA.

A comprehensive course covering the important elements of EBSA referencing contemporary research and providing a lot of useful and accessible strategies and resources.

We need to deepen our knowledge of this issue and we need to be consistent with our strategies.

A really helpful course - full of resources.

Informative, clear and full of resources for a range of people.

Well organised and clearly presented.

Provides a clear framework to explain issues presenting and tools to support reduction in EBSA.

Lots of very useful and informative information on EBSA, strategies to help support children and young people with EBSA and gain a better understanding of how they feel and how to support them.

An in-depth training course that give you practical strategies and a structure to follow when dealing with EBSA.

This course provides an accessible and practical overview of EBSA research and practice, which links directly into casework and systemic practice. It covers a range of topics and links to useful resources that can be explored further. I will definitely return to many of the sections, tools and resources and it is great to have that available for a longer period.
What has been the greatest benefit of EBSA Horizons for supporting you in your work?

While I previously felt confident with the skills I had to work with EBSA, this course has given me a much deeper understanding and skill set to make a positive difference. Using these approaches has not only enabled a quicker and more successful return to school for children, but we've also had a clearer understanding of how we can build upon these successes to build their resilience and feel confident with their success in school being maintained.

A clearer framework to guide my practice and 'go to' resources.

It's given a really lovely foundation from which to work on in our service.

Resources and being able to take the learning to develop the county guidance.

Has been great discussion points in our team meetings/pointers to resources that we can be using when planning our approach.

Useful resources and systematic approaches to thinking about risk and resilience factors.

Knowledge is power. With a better understanding I am hoping to become proactive with early identification and intervention.

I really like the ladder of strength and courage and hope to use this in my casework! I found the course had lots of helpful signposting as well which will be helpful to refer back to.

The knowledge of what EBSA is and how it can impact has been beneficial but mainly the resources and child friendly breakdown that can be shared with care staff and children.

It's been so lovely to be on a course that is specifically designed for EPs. I've really enjoyed learning about the school wellbeing cards which I've used several times now.

The resources that come with the course have been amazing!

The thorough approach and embedding of the rationale combined with a useful focus throughout. A timely reminder for me in my practice.

Understanding the multiple systemic factors that could be contributing to EBSA.

All the research and resources so that I am armed with tools I can use in my work, and with knowledge to educate staff and other professionals I work with. I feel I can now confidently challenge the language around EBSA (e.g., "school- refusers") and it has also made me think that I would like to co-ordinate a pilot project on EBSA in my patch of schools.

This has been a comprehensive and thorough overview of the topic that brings together my practical experience in school, develops some new perspectives and reassures me of strategies I use in my own work. The resources are practical and easy to use.

I think having a clear framework for assessment and intervention is really helpful. The various practical resources shared are also very helpful. I think the greatest benefit has been that the course has broken down the complexities of EBSA in a way that makes it feel easier to tackle. I am clearer now about how to approach it.

The excellent resources and time to reflect, plan and discuss with colleagues who are all taking part in the training.

Great to have examples of activities that can be used to elicit factors underpinning EBSA and to share with other stakeholders.

Revisiting EBSA in a logical, succinct manner. The resources along the way have been fantastic.

Understanding why children and young people are afraid of school and how to help them.

The different models, frameworks and processes, which will help me structure my thinking and planning around EBSA cases.

Clear advice and guidance to support case work in an area that is becoming increasingly more common.

I think that its comprehensiveness is a particular strength without being overwhelming. It has given me a deeper understanding of a variety of things to consider regarding EBSA than perhaps I'd had before.

The resources that can be used in individual and systemic casework to support understanding and support for children experiencing EBSA.

Having set tools and questionnaires. I have used my own resources, but having something that is based on current evidence is useful. Highlighting lots of links with CBT in the individual work with CYP.

Amazing resources, a good framework of what to do.

Structured approach for a complex issue.

Increasing my confidence and knowledge base.

Questionnaires to gather information on home/school/child factors. YouTube clips which help staff understand how CYP experiences EBSA.

Giving a clear and consistent framework as well as very accessible tools. The whole school/systemic framework was also particularly helpful.

It has helped me to understand the complexity of EBSA and the importance of the language we use as professionals when addressing these situations.

Helping me to step back and reflect upon my work with EBSA and how this could be supported at a county-wide level.

I've learnt so much - I really like the resources though and that will help me to frame my work with the child and consultations.

Time to reflect on the approach being used in my LEA and give inspiration for what we might develop next.

The synthesis of knowledge - I think that most of what is covered was familiar to me in one form or another, but the integration of the ideas has helped me to understand how the various components of knowledge work together.

Being able to refer back to specific videos to help during casework. The resources have been an amazing help to really structure my EBSA casework.

There has been a notable increase in the amount of EBSA casework in the past year, particularly in my secondary school. This course has helped me to update my knowledge and use it to inform casework and training with schools.

The resources look really useful and will help me in my work. It has been very informative and practical.

Clarifying the 3 areas which impact in a very practical way in order to best explain to school staff that it is not as simple as 'within child' or 'parent discipline' issue.

Giving me a structure to take forward and evidence to reference to colleagues and senior managers.

I really enjoyed the communication skills section that Jerricah describes with the card sorting task. I found this really helpful as an Assistant EP, as I don't have any direct experiences of EBSA to draw on when providing training to school staff on the topic - this really helped bridge that gap and gave me insight in to how children, school staff and EPs might work together in EBSA situations.

The clear guidance given in how to put EBSA solidly on the agenda when supporting C&YPs, schools, families/ carers, other agencies. This has further triggered my enthusiasm to fully support C&YP who experience EBSA and the importance of supporting C&YP in reaching their goals.

I really benefit from revisiting theoretical/research underpinnings. After several years of being an EP it is possible to have developed automaticity in my practice therefore it is nice to refresh why we recommend what we do. The resources are brilliant and I will use them in my practice. I really like the visual aspect which seemed to be advocated for in this training.

Having an approach makes me feel more confident and equipped to help children experiencing EBSA.

The framework - it is work I experience all the time but to have a tool to help visualize will be great.

Clear models and helpful tools to support the work. The wellbeing cards are great for child voice elicitation.

The assessment and practical resources and how to use them in my work.

Structured process to work through and evidence base to refer to.

Increasing my understanding of the different relevant frameworks of EBSA.

The amount of new resources and also it has helped me expand my thinking. I already used the school wellbeing cards but now feel I can include these in a large piece of work.

My knowledge around EBSA was very limited. I feel after the course, I am better informed and educated and will be able to offer more support to children, young people with EBSA, their families and schools.

A deeper understanding of EBSA, It has also highlighted how there is a need to make more schools, professionals aware, especially health professionals, who are not always involved with education.

Discussion of theory, which will likely help to strengthen our conceptual understanding of anxiety and improve our practice during such casework.

I now feel confident that the psychology I have already can be applied to this particular group of pupils. It was particularly helpful to see the integrated model.

The greatest benefit is having a research base to refer to when working with schools and home. The resources and strategies are also really helpful.

Excellent models for supporting consultation/assessment in EBSA. Brilliant resources and input from Jerricah.

Language to explain EBSA to families and schools, use of push/pull factors, the cycle maintaining EBSA- it's generally a really helpful course.

To gain a greater understanding of EBSA and how it works, and knowing that it effects every YP differently.

Research on effective interventions and providing strategy grids.

The wealth of concrete resources provided is very helpful.

Structured plans and simple, effective recommendations.

Greater awareness of the different resources available through this approach.

Clear guidance and useful resources.

Taking the time to refresh and reflect on this area.

I work with children at home who are currently not in any education with a view to help them get back into some sort of education. The information learnt on EBSA horizons will help me to understand the children/young people I work with and help me better support them.

I like the resources and will use these. I like the emphasis on the voice of the child and this links in well with our PCP work. The greatest benefit has been linking many areas of psychology theory and putting these into practice.

Refreshing my knowledge and understanding of EBSA as well as links to further reading and additional resources. Providing a clear and logical approach to supporting children, families and schools around EBSA to raise awareness and change attitudes.

Increasing my knowledge and understanding.

I will have suggestions to share.

The structure and the opportunities to reflect.

The practical tools and approaches - I really like the timeline activity, ideal safe school, the school wellbeing cards, the ladder of strength and courage.

Highlighting the interplay between the different factors.

Has been great discussion points in our team meetings/pointers to resources that we can be using when planning our approach.

Its refreshed my approach with a deeper understanding and more ideas about assessment and strategies.

As I have only recently completed the course I anticipate that the framework and coherence the course provides will further support my critical reflection of my practice.

The resources and strategies are excellent. Mostly though, really reinforcing that the child is at the centre of everything we do.

Secured my knowledge to use for assessment and strategy planning.

The wealth of frameworks and resources.

Increased knowledge and the useful resources which accompany this course.

Awareness raising, research examples, profiles.

Consolidation of knowledge, further tools and resources to use.

Clear outline of theory and assessment and planning resources.

The bank of resources and tools.

Knowing there are different reasons for school refusal.

Increased confidence and the resources.

Help me to further understand the reasons why school avoidance occurs.


A sensible, clear approach. the strategy grids are also useful.

Practical examples, extra resources and links.

Given me a greater understanding of EBSA and the psychological underpinnings of it, but also given me lots of practical ideas for supporting these CYP.

Looking at the causes and effects of EBSA.

Understanding the psychological theory, tools and a theory that can cover varying situations, liked the formulation approach and the emphasis on being a psychologist.

Integrated model and resources to help put formulation together to share with home and school.

Confidence and framework/structure that can be followed when supporting casework that includes EBSA. Also the questionnaires and excel spreadsheet.

I feel more hopeful for the cases were EBSA is significant and entrenched.

The embedding of the notion of establishing a shared narrative. The materials are also great.

Increasing awareness of the early signs of EBSA.

More awareness of EBSA and feeling more equipped to respond when a child is experiencing EBSA.

Receiving so many useful resources has been great.

Just formally acknowledging my own professional thinking and giving the evidence base and some great resources to look into.

Given me practical resources to use in casework with CYP.

A refresher of approaches and research has been helpful. The resources that have been shared as part of the training are also very well presented and easy to use.

The psychology and research to support EBSA.

Fuller understanding of the importance of the network.

Assessment methods.

The practical tools it has provided will be really useful.

The resources and tools provided.

Increased confidence and the resources.

The grids and and the profile.

I think developing a greater theoretical and psychological understanding of EBSA and how this feeds into the strategies and support support children and young people. Also I was struck with how the narrative around these children and young people (e.g., school refusers) continues to be misunderstood and can contribute to misconceptions and within child models. As a trainee with an interest in selective mutism, I have reflected on how there are many similarities between these 'groups' of children and young people (e.g., lack of awareness, unhelpful narratives, both underpinned by anxiety, conceptualised as a multifaced need with a range of unique factors impacting their lived experiences in school).
Other thoughts or feedback or share...?

A very well structured course which highlighted the importance of having a holistic understanding and importantly having a child-centred approach to work. Loads of great resources and references. I also like the language used - still hear so much the use of the term school refuser but I think applying the EBSA lens helps us to look at the wider contextual factors. And finally I think this has helped me more recently with the impact of Covid-19. I love the wellbeing cards which I have used personally, and I have recommended to some of my schools. Such a great tool to use for starting those dialogues with young people.

Thank you for creating this course which is extremely current, valuable and pertinent to EP practice- this feels like an area where we can have significant impact both in individual casework and systemically, and this course has given me the confidence and tools to take this forwards.

Just to say thank you again for a very informative and highly relevant course. I'm sure I will think of other things once I have fully digested the content and started to use this in my practice - but for now, thank you!! It was great!

Just a big thank you for this - it has been needed for many years and I feel it will be greatly beneficial to a wide range of persons not only C&YP who experience EBSA. Loved the giving away of psychology entwined in a user friendly manner throughout the course.

Such amazing training!

Thanks so much for putting this course on, it's so helpful to have EP CPD designed by EPs in the field.

Thanks. Excellent value for money.

The course is very engaging with the visuals and Dr Jerricah is clearly very passionate about EBSA which can easily be projected onto the audience (it certainly was in my case).

Thank you, I really enjoyed the course and found it very helpful!

It has been good to be able to complete this bit by bit as it has allowed me to reflect and act on each stage with sufficient attention.

Thank you this is a really well structured and accessible course which adds to the psychological toolkit of EPs.

I enjoyed the course and I now have good resources to take away and use with children, schools and parents/carers.

Just that the resources are great and I am very grateful that these have been shared - thank you!

Thank you for putting together relevant and useful training.

Thank you - a wealth of experience and research shared here!

Great training, well structured and engaging delivery.

Just thank you for creating such brilliant training!

Needs to be part of all EPs training if not at initial then certainly for CPD for those in practice.

Really enjoyed the course. informative, well thought out and great links/resources.

Thank-you for the very detailed and useful training. It will definitely inform my practice in the future.

Very interesting and well-delivered training. Very thought-provoking but also lots of practical ideas to take forward. Thank you.

Thank you for the excellent training and resources - all schools should attend this!

Good course and set up resources for a range of staff to use. Thank you.

Really interesting subject matter.

Really helpful, interesting and informative with useful tools. Thank you.

This was really helpful, especially the psychological models. In addition, the sections on using the information gathered about risk & resilience factors to start discussions with the CYP and gradually work towards a plan. I really like the ladder of strength and courage. Many thanks.

Fantastic training, thank you for the clear delivery and supporting visuals, as well as the supplementary resources and helpful links. I found the pace of delivery slightly too slow for my personal attention span but found the setting to speed up slightly very helpful, as this allowed me to set the delivery to a comfortable pace for me to attend to. Many thanks for this helpful training package.

This training was excellent! I really liked the consideration of EBSA in the 3 domains of the child, home and school, as well as the balance between risk and resilience factors. The resources look great and I and can't wait to try some of them out.

Thank you for an exceptional course which was a great balance of theory, thought provoking activities and strategies.

Really enjoyed the training. Very informative, easy to understand with lots of useful resources/links to be used after.

Hi, found the subject really interesting and informative, it has been thought provoking. Thank you.

I thought this was a thorough and comprehensive course.

Thank you Jerricah, Rich, Jen and Lee :)

Thank you, I really enjoyed the course.

Thank you. I really enjoyed this course as it is an area of work I have championed and been involved in for the past 10-15 years. I particularly liked the way the course integrates different theoretical frameworks around EBSA (anxiety, attachment, CBT, PCP ....) to inform case formulations and planned interventions. I will certainly find the resources useful in my casework. This course has highlighted the need for more whole school training across the authority by the EPS. I think it is important as highlighted in this training every case is different and will require different interventions/approaches.

Thank you Jerricah! I have been glued to your presentations - trying to absorb each word. I know so much of what you have shared in this training will be useful in my casework, and the training and resources, we are developing in our Local Authority.
You have clearly articulated the psychology and seamlessly applied this to practice. Thank you!

Hi, this is wonderful training well done. As well as being a TEP, I'm also a parent to a child experiencing EBSA - and I have to say with both hats on, this training has been really useful. I'm keen to share my increased knowledge, increased confidence, and the brilliant resources downloaded with this training with schools moving forward. Thankyou once again for developing this, it’s very helpful.

Thank you - this is such a great informative and confidence-building course for EPs. Thoroughly enjoyed it (although took me a while to complete it all!) After starting the course I recommended to our PEP that all our EPs complete it which is now underway, and we have started a small project to support schools locally with EBSA. Many thanks :-)

Thank you for a fantastic course. Please make more using this format - on other topics too. It is great to be able to do this in my own time.

Looking forward to putting this into practice. I think it has made me realise we already do some of this but the course has helped to formalise it and show me how we can improve our approach.

I really enjoyed the course, the content was good and being online allowed me to complete it in my own time around work and home life.

I found Jerricah easy to listen to. Calm, measure approach to presentation.

Really great course at good value!

Really enjoyed this course. Especially how organised and the self paced approach.

Just a thank you to Dr Jerricah Holder for a fantastic course.

Great training. Well done!

Best bit of CPD I've done all year, thank you for developing this!

Thanks for a very comprehensive package.

I am glad that I have access to the course for a year as I will find it useful to be able to dip back in as I work on individual cases.

Mile Buiochas (thanks a million).

Thank you, the course was excellent. A great starting point for anyone needing to develop their understanding of EBSA as well as how to develop a comprehensive and systematic approach to supporting CYP and their families.

Really have valued the training and will continue to refer to it in my work as an EP and in leading the EPS in this work.

I really enjoyed the training. It will certainly influence and shape my approach to working on individual EBSA cases, as well as encouraging me to open discussions with my schools on a more systemic level regarding EBSA.

Thank you for so coherently presenting theoretical underpinnings to EBSA strategies and provision. It’s important to reflect on the theory behind practice. I enjoyed the training very much.

Thank you Jerricah. Looking forward to using the resources. We don't need to rethink the wheel every time and it is very helpful to have these. I am particularly interested in the Connection and Belonging aspect and have developed some worksheets and programmes based on Attachment Theory which I hope to use and pilot with this group of children and young people.

Settings almost need permission to try alternative strategies / ideas with individual pupils as they are very concerned about Ofsted ratings. It is part of a bigger picture I think; adjustments to curriculum etc may prevent many pupils from needing additional support for EBSA.

I really enjoyed the bitesize chunks of information and different perspectives. A really good balance.

The entire course has been great. Thank you in particular to Jerricah who did a great job of compering and leading the entire thing!

It's been really interesting and I've thoroughly enjoyed completing the course - thank you!

This training content as detailed and informative. Lots of helpful resources too.…. great overall and look forward to putting this into practice in my new role.

Detailed and information - tying in a lot of psychological principles and approaches.

Excellent resource that I will endeavour to share my learning with the teams I work with to upskill staff :)

Very enjoyable and informative training. Fantastic resources and thoughtful exercises.

Useful and thought-provoking training - I found the practical tools and strategies helpful and will use these going forward. Thanks.

Very useful thank you. The knowledge gained will help me practise more effectively.

The course was very easy to access and i liked it being separated into manageable chunks.

Thank you for an excellent training course with enough positives to fill a page of reflections! I look forward to utilising many of the resources. Thank you again.

Thank you, a very informative and interesting course with lots of useful resources for practice.

Thank you for this training. I am fortunate to have joined my LA as part of the Community Educational Psychology team as an Inclusion Officer for EBSA. As a teacher and SENCO, I was able to reflect on previous CYP and families who had difficulties around attendance. I have made copious notes and reflections. Your training alongside the ATTEND framework will help the team to make county wide developments to support children with attendance barriers. Thanks again.