For many children and young people, attending school can feel overwhelming. What might seem like simple daily routines - getting dressed, travelling to school, entering a busy classroom - can require significant emotional and sensory energy. Without understanding these experiences from the...
As Educational Psychologists, we've all unfortunately become very familiar with the growing challenge of Emotionally Based School Avoidance (EBSA) in schools. The complexities of EBSA need a holistic approach that extends beyond the school gates and into the home environment. While we've been...
The importance of Self-Esteem
The way we see ourselves is crucial to the way we interact with the world around us. ‘Self Esteem’ can be thought of as the way we evaluate our own self-worth, with higher self-esteem leading to greater confidence, resilience and emotional...
By Mollie Higgins, Trainee Educational Psychologist, at Tavistock and Portman NHS Trust, currently undertaking research into Emotional Based School Avoidance (EBSA).
Hello, my name is Mollie and I am a Year 3 Trainee Child, Community and Educational Psychologist completing my Doctorate at the...
Resilience in a Time of COVID
I think it is safe to say that 2020 did not turn out how we would have predicted. The COVID-19 pandemic impacted on the lives of everyone across the world, and the uncertainty and changes it has imposed upon our societies continues to be felt globally. If...